State Government Entity
A State Government Entity (SGE) had a requirement for a policy to be developed, which would facilitate consistency and an improvement in the conditions for staff volunteering for additional tasks, which were critical and regularly required by the department.
In addition, the SGE wished to review roster and scheduling arrangements and consider past practices and recommendations for the future.
The SGE supports a Commissioner, who has overall responsibility for coordination before, during and after major/significant unplanned events, including management of the consequences of an unplanned event.
The SGE is an integral part of the unplanned event management sector and shares responsibility with a range of agencies, organisations and departments for ensuring the system of unplanned event management in Victoria is sustainable, effective and community focused. It is extremely important that the SGE staff are fully committed to their tasks and able to react quickly and efficiently, which is why Intrepidus was asked for assistance.
Design • Implement • Support
Intrepidus Human Resource Consulting has assisted the SGE with investigating roster arrangements and making recommendations for improvements that meet the needs of the organisation and its people. Intrepidus recommended and facilitated the development of a “Conditions of Work Policy” to cover the arrangements for staff who volunteer for major/significant unplanned event work. This was achieved through researching the practices of similar agencies and consulting with a SGE Reference Working Group. The role of Intrepidus was to research, facilitate and ensure stakeholders were consulted and kept informed. The policy was developed in line with agreed principles of equity, fairness and consistency as its basis.
During the course of the above work, Intrepidus has discovered the need for several complementary measures and made recommendations accordingly. These recommendations include the resourcing of staff for senior and critical unplanned event management roles, fatigue management and training.
The Result
Throughout the process, Intrepidus maintained a high level of communication both with the senior management and the employees of the SGE. As a result, the policy and the additional recommendations were widely accepted and adopted for implementation by the SGE working group established for that purpose. Intrepidus is particularly proud of supporting the work of this important agency which strives to assist all Victorians during and after a major/significant unplanned event.
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